Wake up Early

You get to be the only person enjoying those beautiful colours in a small town in Morocco

You get to be the only person enjoying those beautiful colours in a small town in Morocco

For those of us who aren’t morning people, this is absolutely not negotiable. For some others, children will wake you up no matter what. For some travelers though, I think this is the key point to real travelling. 

I understand it can be pretty hard to do this but there are so many great things to do and at the end of the day you really feel like your day was full. I know, I know, the snooze button is too damn tempting. This is why I always put my phone at the other end of the room.  Or I guess you could always drink a lot of water before bed and let nature be your alarm clock. Doesn't really work? Do you enjoy morning exercise? Maybe you should try  Clockie



Why is it so important though to get on the road before the break of dawn? 

The only people around the empty streets are locals.

The only people around the empty streets are locals.

The world you experience is completely different and almost completely untouched by tourism (even if it’s just for a few hours).  You see everything from a different perspective. With completely different colours and sounds the same city can seem like two different places in the early hours and the middle of the day. In my opinion, this is the essence of travelling. With an early start the entire day lies before you, with infinite possibilities; an exciting prospect for the eager traveler.

You get to taste a real slice of local life.  And as if that wasn’t enough reason, you’ll be the first customer in bakeries and such!) You get to taste all the local delights freshly baked! (And take your typical touristy pictures without a million people in the background) 





Early in the morning beaches are mostly empty and your pictures will more closely resemble the pictures advertised. Your beach will be “like a virgin, touched for the very first time”. Whereas, after 9am they are most likely full of umbrellas and chairs.   Everything is very peaceful during the early hours. Beautiful hues of red and yellow setting the sky ablaze. Besides, what is more exciting than an empty day and a world full of awesome.



Who else enjoys waking up early? Leave your comments below.


Learn a few local words before travelling